8 Logo Design Types

Crafting a distinctive logo is vital for a company's branding. A logo serves as a messenger for a brand, conveying its message and philosophy. However, logos vary in design. In this blog post, I'll illustrate the eight types of logo designs and guide you in recognizing them!

Emblem Logos

Emblem logos are the oldest type of logo design and they include a symbol, font, or icon with seals, crests, and badges. The emblem logos are perfect for a traditional look and you can see them in different organizations, schools, government agencies, football clubs, and the auto industry.

Despite their traditional feeling many companies have effectively modernized their traditional emblems and fit them into the 21st century, but because of their higher detailed nature and the fact that the name of the company and their symbol are rigidly entwined, it can make emblem logos less versatile and responsive than other logo design types.

Emblem Logos Type
Emblem Logos Type


Khagani Mammadov

Abstract Mark

Abstract mark logos consist of a symbol, a pictorial logo but they avoid literal representation from any image, instead, they create their brand logo through abstract geometric forms to symbolize their company, these types of logo designs are unique tailor-made symbols to represent your brand.

This type of logo design works very well due to they condense your brand into a single image, but as they avoid looking like something recognizable they are unique icons. These logos benefit is that you are able to convey what your company does and its philosophy in a symbolical way without relying on cultural implications, they achieve this by the use of color psychology and form.

Abstract Mark Logo Type
Abstract Mark Logo Type

Mascot Logo

Mascot Logos includes illustrated character or person who will act as a visual representation of your business, this character illustration will be your brand spokesperson, and much advertising from this brand will be centered around this character.

Mascot logos are a great family-friendly logo option and they can help your brand to engage with your audience and create unique branding, and usually, companies whose main audience is families and children use these types of logo design.

Mascot Logo Type
Mascot Logo Type


Wordmarks or logotypes are font-based logo design type that focuses on a business name with a particular typeface that expresses the company philosophy and feeling, and many big companies and brand use this type of logo design for example Coca Cola, Google, or Uber.

These logo design types work really well when your company or brand has a catchy or distinct name and you can focus your branding on that memorable name, this catchy naming combined with strong typography creates strong brand recognition. As these logos are strongly focused on the name, they need to pick correctly their font or create a brand new one to capture the essence of their business.

Wordmark or logotype type
Wordmark or logotype type

Pictorial Mark / Symbol or Icon

Wordmarks or logotypes are font-based logo design type that focuses on a business name with a particular typeface that expresses the company philosophy and feeling, and many big companies and brand use this type of logo design for example Coca Cola, Google, or Uber.

These logo design types work really well when your company or brand has a catchy or distinct name and you can focus your branding on that memorable name, this catchy naming combined with strong typography creates strong brand recognition. As these logos are strongly focused on the name, they need to pick correctly their font or create a brand new one to capture the essence of their business.

Wordmark or logotype logo type
Wordmark or logotype logo type


Lettermark logos also called monograms are logos that are formed by letters usually brand initials. Lettermarks are commonly used by companies with long names with 2 or 3 words on their names, and due to branding purposes and making their brand easy to remember they choose to represent their brand logo with their initials.

As happen with Logotypes, monograms are typography-based logos and use a few letters, which is why is important for them to choose the right font to show what your company does and make it legible, also these types of logo design tend to simplicity.


Combination Mark

Combination marks as their name indicate consist of combining a wordmark or lettermark with a pictorial mark, abstract mark, or mascot logo. The brand image and the text with brand naming can be laid side-by-side, stacked on top of each other, or can be integrated to create a new brand image.

The combination marks are my favorite logo design type because your brand name is easily associated with an image or your mascot logo and their work together to reinforce your brand. As these type of logos uses an image and text it helps to associate your brand with that image and in the future, these brand can exclude their name from the logo and only rely exclusively on a logo symbol.

Combination Mark
Combination Mark


Last but not least, there are Letterforms logo design types, which are the more minimalist version of monograms, also known as letter logos. Letterform logos only uses one letter, usually, the initial letter of the brand, and these brand marks needs to be bold and beautiful to make it easier for the viewer to identify these single letter with your brand.

Due to their minimalistic anatomy letter logos are easily scalable and responsible, and they work perfectly anywhere from digital scenarios to web or social media and printed materials.


When designing a logo, it's important to consider the values, personality, and target audience of the brand to ensure that the logo effectively communicates the intended message. Additionally, a well-designed logo should be versatile and work across various applications and platforms.